MTR Puliogare Powder


MTR Puliogare Powder, a South Indian rice dish that is tangy and spicy with the flavour of tamarind or ‘Imli’ and peanuts. This is the easiest way to add some zest to your plain rice. Just heat a little oil in a pan and add the MTR puliogare powder and cooked rice and it is ready.

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MTR Puliogare Powder

MTR Puliogare Powder

MTR Puliogare Powder, a South Indian rice dish that is tangy and spicy with the flavour of tamarind or ‘Imli’ and peanuts. This is the easiest way to add some zest to your plain rice. Just heat a little oil in a pan and add the MTR puliogare powder and cooked rice and it is ready.

Spiced powder for rice.


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